Sprejmite pravo odločitev za svoje podjetje!

Pripravili smo knjižnico virov in prispevkov skupnosti, ki vam bo pomagala sprejemati bolj utemeljene odločitve na podlagi tehnologije IoT in vpeljevanja.


  • Želite vedeti, ali je vaša regija pripravljena na povezljivostne rešitve za IoT?
  • Oglejte si trenutno razpoložljivost mobilnih tehnologij v določenih regijah in mestih
  • Odkrijte, v katerih državah lahko vaše naprave uporabljajo naše mednarodno gostovanje

  • Browse our publications to better understand the key advantages of IoT technologies
  • Learn how our industry partners work together to ensure interoperability and quality
  • Review our analyses of standardization and business trends in the world of IoT

  • Razišči našo zbirko različnih IoT področij in pridobi nova znanja o možnostih in funkcionalnostih tehnologij
  • Spoznaj ključne tehnološke koncepte in načine uspešnih implementacij
  • Pridobljeno znanje uporabi v fazi priprave IoT rešitev

  • Obtain guidance on the design of more efficient IoT solutions, based on industry and operator requirements
  • Learn more about the best-practice design of different IoT solution layers, from applications to the hardware

  • Access our user manuals and quick start guides for help when working with our IoT platforms
  • Identify which chipsets and modules have been certified for our networks to-date
  • Browse our certification processes for 3GPPTM and GNSS modules and chipsets


  • Keep up-to-date with the latest news and developments in the world of IoT
  • Learn how IoT technology trends can transform your business

  • Join our international IoT community to get support on any issue you are dealing with
  • Stay in touch with the experts and collaborate on creating more efficient, suitable IoT solutions